NE Dental clinic

Porcelain Dental Veneers in Calgary

NE Calgary Dentists who provide Cosmetic Dentistry know the advantages of placing ‘wafer thin’ porcelain veneers to create a beautiful healthy smile.  These amazingly thin (less than a 0.3mm) are used to create a cosmetic dental improvement and sometimes involved in improving a patient’s bite. Calgary Dentists would agree that veneers are often an option…

Calgary NE Dentists on Good Dental Health for Seniors

With modern advances in dental technology, our Calgary NE dentists are finding that clients who are seniors are enjoying better dental health including quality of their natural teeth more than ever before. Especially for seniors, maintaining dental health is key to overall fitness and according to a great post from B.C. Dental Association there are…

Invisalign in Calgary – The Clear Path to Straight Teeth

Invisalign in Calgary is a turned to solution for straightening teeth without the need for traditional orthodontic brackets.  Developed by Align Technology, this orthodontic system is offered to patients of all ages – yes adults can use Invisalign – and a series of clear, customized, removable appliances (called aligners) are used to move teeth in…